Advocacy, Learning Objectives




  • Gain an understanding of the State and Federal Judicial System as it pertains to health policy and law
  • Understand structure of government and the legislative process
    • Understand the role physicians play in creating and implementing healthcare policy
  • Advocacy Framework:
    • Structural competency
    • Trauma informed care
    • Reproductive Justice
    • Global health equity
  • Health Systems
    • The failings of our current healthcare system: Cost containment, universal coverage, better systems in other countries



  • Communicating an Effective Message:
    • Develop proficiency in written media 
      • Op Ed writing
      • Letter to the editor
      • Legislative fact sheets or policy briefs
    • Understand how to craft and reference short text bulletins for use on social media.
    • Gain proficiency in verbal communication and targeted messaging for media relations
    • Lobbying 101, including at the Massachusetts State House and Capitol Hill
    • Writing and delivering legislative testimony
  • Developing Strategic Action Plans:
    • Identifying a problem amenable to advocacy with values clarification. Grounding advocacy in personal experience and/or professional duties and adapting advocacy skills to issue/patient population
    • Defining a problem and its scope
    • Understand unique position of physicians to link social issues and health
    • Civic engagement as a cornerstone of medical practice
    • Medical society affiliation
    • Creating research to affect policy
  • Leadership:
    • Coalition building: identifying and engaging strategic partners, contacting and collaborating with partners, needs assessment
    • Community partnership: engaging with local and global community organizations to advocate for change