The mainstay of the academic training is our core didactic program, which is based on the CREOG learning objectives and is designed with attention to adult learning principles. The framework of the program is the ACGME Core Competencies (Medical Knowledge, Patient Care, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism, Practice-based Learning and Improvement, and Systems–based practice). Didactic activities include weekly Grand Rounds at both parent institutions, faculty led didactics, simulation activities, journal club, Morbidity and Mortality and Multi-disciplinary Oncology Conferences. Residents have protected didactic learning time on Wednesdays from 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM at BWH, and on Thursdays from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM at MGH.

Core topics rotate every two years and are coordinated such that topics are presented at BWH and MGH during the same rotation block to facilitate resident exposure during their four year residency tenure. In addition, many sessions are designed to direct the learning activities to the appropriate post graduate year level. A special Intern Lecture Series is offered during the summer to help orient the PGY-1 class to the most common and critical topics as they begin their rotations.
During each rotation, at least one didactic session takes place at the Stratus Center for Medical Simulation on the campus of Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Residents work closely with faculty to hone their procedural skills in laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, office procedures, family planning, open surgical techniques, and operative delivery. A new surgical curriculum is being developed to help standardize instruction and bridge the gap between laboratory training and the operating room.
Other critical topics covered during protected didactic time include fatigue management, research design, team training, humanities in medicine, and a wellness curriculum. The residents actively participate in the structure and content of the didactics program. It is a ‘work in progress’ that is modified annually based on resident evaluation and feedback of the program.
Didactic teaching also occurs during daily sign out rounds on all the major services. In addition, interdisciplinary rounds occur twice daily on both the BWH and MGH labor and delivery units which include nurses, anesthesiologists and pediatricians. At BWH, Chief's Rounds are held on a weekly basis and include for the entire department, a presentation of the statistics from the labor floor, with an evidence-based review of management of complicated and interesting cases.
Other Educational Programs
Formal obstetrical ultrasound training begins in the first year, where PGY1 residents perform OB ultrasound at MGH under the supervision of attending OB faculty. Residents learn the components of basic structural surveys, fetal biometry, biophysical profiles and placental abnormalities in a one-on-one hands-on setting. The residents rotating on the Fuller (MFM) service perform appropriate amniocenteses and ultrasounds on the patients on their service. In the PGY 2 and 3 year, residents rotate in the BWH unit, fine-tuning their skills and participating in the patient counseling. The PGY 2 resident on the Community Gynecology rotation spends time in MFM office hours and on the consult service, providing further exposure to ultrasound and genetics counseling.
Residents perform vaginal probe ultrasound formally during the Ambulatory Block (PGY 1), Family Planning (PGY 2), MGH Clinic Senior (PGY 3), NWH (PGY 3), Special Chief (PGY 4) and Jeopardy (PGY 4) rotations, under the supervision of board certified Reproductive Endocrinologists. A dedicated resident transvaginal ultrasound machine is available during GYN and OB ambulatory clinics for use under the supervision of the clinic-assigned faculty.
Neonatal Resuscitation
Recently the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NPR) Provider Course was incorporated into the educational program to assure an opportunity to all of our residents to achieve competency in the immediate care of the newborn. The curriculum includes self study reading, on-line learning, and participation in a simulation activity leading to certification. The program is taught in conjunction with Newborn Medicine Faculty.
Robotics Curriculum
Introduction to robotic-assisted surgery is also offered through our didactic program. Upon completion of training, which includes both online modules and a dry lab, residents receive a basic training certificate allowing them to participate in robotics cases in the operating room.