Resident as Teacher

Fundamental to being an outstanding resident and clinician is the ability to teach patients, junior residents, and students. Residents serve as teachers and role models for all third and fourth year students who rotate through both BWH and MGH. Physician-leaders of our student programs at both BWH and MGH, supported by the residency program leadership, work together to integrate the approach to student teaching. The importance of resident teaching of medical students is highlighted by the fact that all residents have a clinical appointment through Harvard Medical School, and themselves have access to educational resources through HMS. Residents familiarize themselves with the Medical Student APGO Learning Objectives, and become familiar with the HMS clerkship structure as well as grading policy. Evaluations of teaching effectiveness are available to residents after every rotation and are formally reviewed annually. Teaching awards are given annually at the time of resident graduation to recognize excellence in Medical Student teaching.
Examples of specific teaching opportunities for residents include the following:
- Resident led didactics: Annual Grand Round presentations (BWH), Resident Case Presentations (MGH), Morbidity and Mortality Grand Rounds (MGH), Tuesday noon gyn conference (BWH), weekly OB Chief rounds (BWH)
- Informal sessions: quarterly lunches at BWH, q 6 week breakfasts during BWH Wednesday didactics - informal verbal feedback on students
- Teach students and junior residents in ambulatory clinics, L&D, OR and inpatient settings; goal of providing active student involvement in patient care with “hands-on” experience whenever appropriate
- Structured teaching: lead student orientation from resident perspective at BWH, written exam review at BWH, weekly teaching sessions and coordination of medical student and junior resident teaching on gyn rounds (BWH and MGH Chiefs), OB chief teaching sessions BWH
- Simulation sessions: suturing/episiotomy, knot-tying/gowning/gloving simulations at BWH
- Resident Coaches (PGY 2 & PGY 3) for medical students to prepare students for clinical settings and provide support for learning.